Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Round Table

I usually feel like a knight of Arthur when I attend lunch here at my office. The people that gather come from all different realms and protect different elements that make up the kingdom. We all serve each other, mainly in harmony, and benefit from the small casual meetings of our round lunch table. Yes our lunch table is round and it fits perfectly in the center of traffic between lands within the kingdom, allowing us to inquire about visitors and how each part of the realm is doing. It also allows us to delve into our personal lives, on occasion, and to be coached and helped with each dilemma we face. Today's topic: Dreams. As you know from this mornings post dreams are important and now we use the tool of validation. (I know I sound like some TedTalk representative) but in all honesty validation is another aspect of our lives that we need as humans. We need to know that what we say and do is right or that it holds common ground between many (or even few). So my little lunch break was filled with dreams and what their meanings could bring about and it makes me feel good to know that people are listening and actually care about what's coming out of my mouth.
That was always one of my issues, no one wants to talk to us outcasts (I think that's why I'm so opinionated to be honest). And so our little round table surrounded by a multitude of social and anti-social beings becomes one of the biggest places where I can comfortably be me without judgment turning around and slapping me across the face. Happy Lunching! Enjoy <3

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