Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The first step in finding yourself may be being able to find your way home (literally). The major highway that connects the west side of the state (where school is) and the east side of the state (where "home" is) was at a stand still because one hell of a dumb &%# decided to race with a cop and lost (like usual). So everyone and their mother had to stop in the middle of the road and watch this hunched back boulder of a dude get tackled and to those people I would like to say DRIVE! REALITY TV IS AT HOME! So I proceeded to find the best alternate route while talking to 2 of my 3 boyfriends. (Yes I said it, 3 boyfriends. It's called Polyamory people look it up before judging me). So anyway I decided to see what the hell I could do about finding a way around the traffic and got hour away from home....while it was getting dark....well hell now another interesting (or maybe not so interesting) thing about me is that I can't see as far as I can throw (which really isn't that far) in the after screaming, cursing, and blindly following Becky (my android powered GPS) I made it home only to find out there was no dinner and my 3rd boyfriend was playing Neverwinter. For those of the world that don't live in their rooms on their computers or aren't just blindly searching the Internet for porn, Neverwinter is an online rpg. If you don't understand the words currently coming out of my mouth, pull up your big kid pants and talk to the "social outcasts" aka nerds (aka the people that are potentially if not definitely smarter than those labeling them as nerds) and ask them to explain what else is on the Internet besides porn.
So the best way to find you, may or may not be finding home. Where I live is not home. Home is the abundance of friends that have become my family because my family had their head so far up their holes they've developed mole eyes and started following rule 34 (again see your nerds for assistance). So find home, find those people you can rely on and call nerds without damaging their social status or intelligence. Find people in your life that make you genuinely happy and don't settle for anything less. And to those that just take advantage of their "friends" like a bad episode of Glee (I can't believe I just made that reference, excuse me while I purge) I highly suggest you stare yourself in the mirror and realize that the only reason that the people you put down need psychiatric help is because you need it the most. I'm not trying to threaten you or call you rotten I'm honestly asking you to see for yourself and get the help you need whether others think you deserve it or not. End rant #2 for the night. Enjoy ♡

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