Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Monster Under the Bed

I have this reoccurring dream that usually results in me watching myself die by the hands of my family...well it happened again last night. So I hope you're ready for the "et to Bea" moment.
Grizzly bears disguised as my parents, yes that's the dream. My parents turn into 7 foot tall brown ravenous bears that desire only the taste of my sweet smelling flesh and blood. And they succeed...inside the house of this kid I used to crush on...with my aunt watching in horror as one bear turns to defend me and gets consumed by the other and then I do.
I've never been able to get rid of this dream and I really wish I could gouge the image from behind my eyelids. But dreams are actually important. Now I know, how can someone be so serious so early in the morning right? Well my friends it's called coffee (or tea!) but dreams actually freak me out that they can be so accurate to what you're thinking and so that's why I'm awake and alive this early, oh and I have to work too. Anyway, yes dreams can show you a lot of what your issues are and it's important to address them. This is why I keep a dream journal (Yes I am one of those weird people that record their dreams, but it's fun). You have 30 seconds from the moment you're conscious to remember your dream and record it. I keep a locked (Yes locked, I have trust issues) journal next to my bed and when I wake up it's the first thing I do. I've been recording dreams since high school and I've had this bear dream exactly 36 times since I first started recording. So that's my rant of the morning...I need more coffee and tea before I even begin to make any sense enough to write. Hope you had sweetish dreams. Enjoy ♡

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