Friday, March 13, 2015

Faith in Humanity, Does it Actually Exist?

So yesterday I had this wonderful post planned about the importance of having at least 1 friend in this world but those plans and thoughts were mutilated by the arguments that ensued last night and the genuine stupidity and ignorance of the human beings involved.
I had one hell of a night between the 3 boyfriends and myself and I'm honestly still not sure of what will happen. All I know is that I'm done being treated like the babysitter and that I deserve to be loved and cared for by someone who's going to jump onto my train and steal me away from all the other %*$& in my life. I deserve to be happy and so does everyone else in the world. This decision (leaving my men) is the hardest I've ever had to consider and I'm sad that it's gotten to the point that I truly need to consider whether the outcome is greater than the work. Please don't get me wrong, I love my men and with 1 of them I've been with 5 years and the other 2 almost 6 months. I truly love them and always will but it's time to reevaluate where I stand, what I need, and if our journey's line up or separate here. I am not fully ready to make this decision but it's spring break so let's return to this serious life altering topic after that.
Another reason that I'm so serious this morning is that my mother received a response to an email that truly showed no one read her email...People it's not that hard to take 5 seconds out of your life to read an email thoroughly and give a reasonable response... I am ever so slowly losing faith in humanity because of the idiotic actions and reactions people take to certain events, situations, and statements. I am astounded that there are so many people in this world that have their head stuck somewhere on their own personal cloud that for one second they can't fathom to download back to reality to see what is really staring them in the face.
I'm ending this rant now before I get myself in trouble at work for typing like a madman and laughing at the pettiness of this world. Enjoy <3

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